Welcome to our February monthly newsletter!

We hope that everyone has settled back in well after the holiday break. We have started contacting taxpayers who have not had their tax completed for the 2022 financial year. Please contact our office if requiring a list of information to gather for your tax lodgement or schedule an appointment.

We are welcoming a new team member this month. Fiona Franz will be joining us and commencing her role as an accounting assistant. Fiona has been working in the accounting industry for many years and is excited to learn more and develop her skills.


Head on over to our website


Monthly tax tip:

The working from home tax deduction claim methods are changing this financial year. The shortcut method was available up to 30 June 2022 which allowed taxpayers to claim 80 cents per hour when working from home. This was introduced when taxpayers shifted to working from home during COVID-19 lockdowns and was meant to cover all home office expenses. The ATO announced the draft changes of these deductions recently which will be explained in detail below. We suggest keeping records, receipts and logbooks/diaries when working from home. This will allow you to compare your claim methods and choose the highest claim.

Fixed Rate Method:

  • 67 cents per hour can be claimed when working from home
  • This rate covers internet and mobile/home phone costs, electricity/gas, computer consumables and stationery
  • A separate claim can be made for depreciation of home office assets such as computer equipment and office furniture
  • A diary should be kept calculating the hours spent working from home
  • This method is most popular for those that work from home every now and again

Actual Cost Method:

  • All home office running costs can be claimed as per the appropriate work usage (electricity, phone/internet, computer expenses, stationery)
  • All receipts should be kept and logbooks/diaries to calculate usage
  • This method is most popular for those that work from home frequently

Method Comparison (Actual Cost):

  • $90/month internet costs – claiming 15% = $13.50/month
  • $60/month mobile phone costs – claiming 50% = $30/month
  • $150/month electricity costs – claiming 5% = $7.50/month
  • Total of $51/month tax deduction

Method Comparison (Fixed Rate):

  • 20 hours per month x $0.67 = $13.40/month tax deduction

If you would like to schedule a consultation with us then please jump onto our website where you can see our availabilities and book a time that suits you.


Book an Appointment




Important Dates!

21 February:

  • Lodge and pay December 2022 monthly business/instalment activity statement*
  • Lodge and pay January 2023 monthly business/instalment activity statement

28 February:

  •  Lodge and pay SMSF annual return for new registrants for the 2022 financial year
  •  Lodge and pay quarter ending 31 December 2022 activity statement
  •  Lodge and pay quarter ending 31 December 2022 superannuation guarantee charge statement if the contributions were not paid on time*

*Lodgement concession available for business clients with up to $10 million turnover, who report GST monthly and lodge electronically
*Superannuation guarantee charge is not tax deductible


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