Welcome to our October monthly newsletter!

If you are an employer or intend to be then you should know about the new super choice rules which will start from 1 November 2021. Current rules allow an employee to choose whether their super is paid into their own super account or an account their employer creates for them however individuals are now holding multiple super accounts and paying extra account fees hence the new rules which should stop the creation of multiple super accounts. If you hire a new employee after the 1st of November then you need to ask them for their super account details to pay their super into, but if they do not provide them then you will need to obtain their stapled super fund details which can be found through ATO online services in “Employee Super Accounts” or you can ask us for assistance.



Head on over to our website



Monthly tax tip:

Staff expenses and amenities are often a point of confusion for business owners when it comes to deductibility – so let’s look at what can actually be claimed and what is often accidentally claimed. Amenities for staff can include toiletries and hygiene expenses, water, food and drinks. These expenses are deductible but only to the extent that staff are using these items to continue their work activity. For example, toilet paper, handwash, tea, coffee and biscuits used by employees in an office throughout a working day are all deductible for the employer. Light refreshments can also be deductible if staff are eating them to continue work, e.g. snacks provided to staff for morning tea or sandwiches purchased in the evening for staff that are working overtime hours and continuing work after the meal has been eaten. If the food and drink is consumed outside of work hours when staff are no longer being paid then it is generally non-deductible and viewed as entertainment, e.g. drinks at the pub after work. This can be a very confusing area when working out the deductibility of expenses for staff and not only income tax needs to be considered but so too does fringe benefits tax and GST.

If you would like to schedule a consultation with us then please jump onto our website where you can see our availabilities and book a time that suits you.


Book an Appointment




Important Dates!

21 October:

  •       Lodge and pay September 2021 monthly business/instalment activity statement
  •       Pay annual PAYG instalment notice

28 October:

  • Lodge and pay quarter ending 30 September 2021 activity statement if lodging by paper
  • Make super guarantee contributions for quarter ending 30 September 2021 to funds by this date
  • Pay quarter ending 30 September 2021 instalment notice. Lodge the notice only if you vary the instalment amount
  • Lodge and pay annual activity statement for TFN withholding for closely held trusts where a trustee withheld amounts from payments to beneficiaries during 2021 financial year

31 October:

  • Final date to sign up with a tax agent to receive the lodgement concession for the 2021 tax return
  • Lodge 2021 tax return if lodging without a tax agent by this date
  • Lodge PAYG withholding annual report no ABN withholding


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